Zero Litigation Program 2024: new installment payment and debt discount program opened by Brazilian Federal Revenue

On March 19 of 2024, the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service published the Notice of Adhesion Transaction for the Zero Litigation Program 2024. Can join the Program individuals and companies that have debts under discussion in administrative proceedings with a value equal or less than R$ 50,000,000.00. Companies that meet the legal requirements set out in […]

PL 2796/2021: avanços e impactos na indústria de jogos eletrônicos brasileira

5/4/2024 Recentemente, o Senado Federal aprovou o Projeto de Lei 2796/2021, proposto pelo deputado Kim Kataguiri (União-SP), marcando um importante avanço para a regulamentação da indústria de jogos eletrônicos no país. Este projeto visa a estabelecer um marco legal abrangente, abordando aspectos que vão desde fabricação e comercialização até benefícios fiscais e proteção de crianças […]

Atividades envolvendo células germinativas, tecidos germinativos e embriões humanos ganham parâmetros normativos

1/4/2024 A Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (“ANVISA”) noticiou, em 19.03.2024,  a habilitação de mais uma empresa para desenvolver as atividades de importação, transporte e distribuição de células germinativas, tecidos e embriões humanos, para uso terapêutico em técnicas de Reprodução Humana Assistida (“RHA”) (Anvisa autoriza empresa a importar células germinativas e embriões). Convém mencionar que […]

Precautions in Job Interviews

4/4/2024 The interview process is crucial in the hiring cycle, acting not only as an assessment of a candidate’s suitability for the position but also establishing the first impression of the company’s conduct with its potential collaborators. It is essential that, in addition to identifying the best talents, companies conduct interviews respecting labor legislation, with […]

The use of artificial intelligence in arbitration

4/10/2024 Artificial intelligence is increasingly gaining space in our daily lives, being implemented in a range of areas in everyday life. Currently, its application is not limited to the replacement of ordinary tasks. For this reason, the fear of this technological tool overriding job positions is common thread in all discussions surrounding the issue. In […]

Superior Court of Justice decides to apply SELIC rate to civil debts

4/10/2024 In March 2024, the Superior Court of Justice advanced its judgment on the interpretation of Article 406 of the Brazilian Civil Law regarding the indexation and interest rate applicable to civil debts. The reporting judge of the appeal, Justice Luis Felipe Salomão, considered that the formula of monetary correction by inflation – IPCA-E index […]