
Telemedicine during the pandemic: a great opportunity

Telemedicine during the pandemic: a great opportunity



Although telemedicine already had a specific rule issued by the Federal Council of Medicine (Resolution No. 1,643, of August 26, 2002), the medical profession still asked for more time to analyze new regulations on the subject.

However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Federal Council of Medicine forwarded an Official Letter (No. 1756/2020) to the Minister of Health, informing his decision of recognize the possibility of using telemedicine in the country, in addition to that established in the previous resolution, which remains in force.

In order to regulate and better operationalize measures to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, on March 23, 2020, the Ministry of Health published Ordinance No. 467, which deals with Telemedicine practices in an exceptional and temporary manner.

Such measure came both with the protective intention of distancing as well as economical, since most of the doctors work in outpatient care and these activities were affected due to the confinement.

Both the documents broadened the scope of the practice of telemedicine, since Resolution No. 1,643 only defines telemedicine through the use of “interactive methodologies for audiovisual and data communication”.

While the CFM Official Letter 1756/2020 extended the actions of telemedicine to the practices of tele-orientation, telemonitoring and tele-consultation, the Ordinance No. 467/2020 included the assistance, as well as the support, consultation, monitoring and diagnosis carried out remotely by medical professionals.

In addition, the text also established criteria for issuing medical prescriptions and certificates at a distance. With that, the prescriptions and medical certificates will be valid electronically, using an electronic signature, or using data associated with the physician’s signature, which brings agility and efficiency.

In addition to the points disciplined by these documents, the edition of rules of the Regional Councils of Medicine (CRMs) brings other specific points for the use of telemedicine. In São Paulo, for example, remote ambulatory procedures are available during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Thus, the São Paulo norm classified the use of telephone calls, video platforms or other information technology that provide effective interaction between doctor and patient as an electronic means for the provision of outpatient services. it is important to highlight that the institution has also given attention to the security and confidentiality of the information exchanged, as well as the patient’s necessary consent to this type of assistance, were

In addition, in the State of São Paulo, medical consultations, consultations and online sessions with nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, physical educators, speech therapists, nutritionists, psychologists and occupational therapists are allowed. The only specialty explicitly excepted by the São Paulo norm was that of ophthalmology.

Although the release of telemedicine was given to both the public and private health sectors, such authorization is temporary. It seems that the use of telemedicine will bring important advances, including based on international experiences.


Coauthors: Raissa Pinati do Nascimento

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